Experience a Total Transformation with a Full Body Lift

Dr. Rodolfo Castillo Calderón offers full body lift procedures at our Tijuana, Mexico, practice to patients who want to address multiple cosmetic concerns in a single custom treatment plan. Dr. Castillo can provide our patients with aesthetically pleasing results that give the body lean, toned contours. A full body lift can address sagging skin in the arms, breasts, abdomen, buttocks, and more. These procedures can be truly transformative. Dr. Castillo will work you to determine the right combination of procedures to meet your needs. 


A full body lift may be recommended if you have excess or loose skin or fat in the:

  • Upper arms
  • Breasts
  • Abdomen
  • Upper or lower back
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs

While any patient over age 18 can have a full body lift, the most common candidates are those who have recently lost significant amounts of weight. Extreme weight loss can result in excess, sagging skin in multiple areas of the body. This can cause complications like skin rashes and infections, and also conceals the aesthetic results of the patient’s weight loss.

A full body lift can address sagging skin in the arms, breasts, abdomen, buttocks, and more.

There are two primary requirements for a full body lift:

  • Patients must have achieved their goal weight and have the ability to maintain that weight
  • Patients must be in good health overall

What Does a Full Body Lift Entail?

A full body lift can combine any body contouring procedures to achieve the patient’s desired results. Dr. Castillo will work closely with you to determine the right set of procedures to meet your individual needs. Some of the most frequently combined procedures include:

A belt lipectomy, or lower body lift, is also a popular procedure to include in a full body lift. This procedure can address excess skin in both the abdomen and the lower back.

Treatment Stages

While Dr. Castillo can perform some procedures at the same time, such as a breast lift and arm lift, other procedures cannot be safely combined. Therefore, most full body lifts are completed in stages. You may have one or two procedures done at once, followed by a three- to six-month healing period before undergoing another operation.

The number of stages your full body lift includes will depend on the number and type of procedures selected. The length of time needed between surgeries depends primarily on the extent of your procedure and how quickly you heal. To ensure a successful recovery, patients should closely follow all of Dr. Castillo’s post-operative instructions. 

Call Now to Set Up a Consultation

If you want to dramatically transform your appearance with a full body lift, contact My Best Body Ever! to set up a consultation online or call (619) 955-6866 from US or 664-634-7490 from Mexico to schedule a consultation. Dr. Castillo can recommend the right combination of treatments to help you look and feel amazing.

Dr. Castillo


Dr. Castillo is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over ten years of experience performing cosmetic surgery. Our state-of-the-art facility is designed with the last medical technology to ensure patient comfort and safety. Dr. Castillo is affiliated with:

  • Mexican Association of Plastic Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery,
  • Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery Association of Baja California
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
  • Ibero Latin-American Federation of Plastic Surgery
  • Baja California College of Plastic Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery

Schedule a consultation at our Tijuana, Mexico, office online, or by calling (619) 955-6866.

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