Tone Your Arms with Arm Lift Surgery
For patients with sagging skin or stubborn fat deposits on their upper arms, Dr. Rodolfo Castillo Calderón can perform an arm lift surgery at our Tijuana, Mexico, practice to create lean, attractive contours. An arm lift can help eliminate self-consciousness and negative body image, helping your confidence soar. During an in-depth consultation, Dr. Castillo can determine if you are a candidate for arm lift surgery.
Should You Consider an Arm Lift?
If the skin in your upper arms has begun to sag and develop stubborn fat deposits over time due to aging or fluctuations in weight, you are probably a good candidate for an arm lift. The procedure is appropriate for both male and female patients over the age of 18 who want to enhance the appearance of the upper arms. Many patients who have lost significant weight either through diet and exercise or bariatric surgery undergo an arm lift to remove any excess skin that remains. To qualify, patients must have the ability to maintain a stable weight following surgery and be in good overall health.

Types of Arm Lifts
There are two types of arm lifts Dr. Castillo can perform. The standard arm lift procedure addresses the area from the armpit to the elbow. Dr. Castillo may combine a standard arm lift with liposuction to eliminate excess fat tissue as well. An extended arm left addresses everything the standard lift addresses. In addition, it also trims away excess skin from along the sides of the upper chest.
An arm lift can help eliminate self-consciousness and negative body image, helping your confidence soar.
Dr. Castillo can determine which procedure is right for you during your consultation. He will carefully assess your individual treatment goals as well as your skin elasticity and medical history. Based on his assessment, he can determine whether you would benefit more from a standard or extended arm lift.
Before and after Arm Lift Surgery
Before surgery, our anesthesiologist will administer intravenous (IV) sedation or general anesthesia, followed by a local anesthetic. The procedure generally takes about three hours to complete.
After we have bandaged your incisions, we will take you to a recovery room to allow the anesthesia to wear off. Dr. Castillo will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions. You will need at least two weeks off of work, and you should keep the arms raised at heart level or higher as often as possible. You should also avoid any heavy lifting for a minimum of two weeks.
All incisions will be placed in a way that results in minimal, discreet scarring. Sun protection can help the scars to fade and remain inconspicuous. Once swelling has subsided after surgery, you can expect that your arms will look more toned, allowing you to feel more confident in sleeveless tops and swimwear.
Learn More about Arm Lift Surgery
Patients travel from all over the world to undergo body contouring procedures with Dr. Castillo. To learn more about the procedure or to schedule a consultation, contact our plastic surgery practice online or call (619) 955-6866 from US or 664-634-7490 from Mexico.