Restore Your Confidence and Appearance with Breast Reconstruction

Following a mastectomy or trauma that results in the loss of one or both breasts, many women struggle with feelings of incompleteness. Dr. Rodolfo Castillo performs breast reconstruction using a patient’s own tissue or breast implants to restore a feminine figure. During your consultation, Dr. Castillo will thoroughly discuss your concerns and treatment goals, and conduct a detailed analysis to determine which method of breast reconstruction is right for you. To learn more about how you can benefit from breast reconstruction, contact our Tijuana practice today.

Topless woman crossing arms over breasts and wearing breast cancer awareness ribbon

Autologous Tissue Reconstruction

Using advanced microvascular surgical techniques, Dr. Castillo can rebuild the breasts by transferring skin, fat, and muscle from the patient’s lower abdomen. If there is not enough extra tissue in the abdominal area, a flap can also be transferred from the patient’s thigh, back, or buttocks. Because this is your own tissue, there is no risk of rejection, and the look and feel of the reconstructed breast will become more natural as you heal. After surgery, Dr. Castillo will provide you with specific instructions to ensure proper healing and you will undergo periodic check-ups at our office.

Implant Reconstruction

Before implant reconstruction, a patient will choose either saline or silicone breast implants, as well as a specific shape and size, to best achieve your aesthetic goals. During surgery, Dr. Castillo will place a balloon-like tissue expander under the pectoral muscle. Over the course of several months, saline will be added to the expander to stretch the skin and soft tissues in the chest, creating room for the implant. When the tissue expander has reached its desired volume, a second surgery is performed to remove the expander and replace it with the permanent implant.

One risk of breast implants is capsular contracture, or the tightening of scar tissue surrounding the implant. This causes the implant to become compressed, and the breast to become hard to the touch and adopt a distorted shape. It is unclear why capsular contracture occurs, but contaminated implants and smoking seem to be contributing factors. Dr. Castillo takes the utmost care in maintaining a sterile facility to minimize this risk. Following your surgery, it is important to watch for signs of leakage or rupture of the implant, which, although rare, may need to be addressed during revisional surgery.

Candidacy & Considerations

The reconstructive process can begin at the same time mastectomy is performed, or after the patient has healed. Dr. Castillo can coordinate with your doctor to determine the right time to begin your breast reconstruction. The ideal candidate is cancer free and a non-smoker without existing health conditions that could impact the success of the surgery, like diabetes or high blood pressure.

Good candidates should also have realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure. Although your reconstructed breast will not look or feel exactly like a natural breast, Dr. Castillo uses sophisticated surgical techniques to achieve results that look attractive, complement your figure, and help you feel confident in your most flattering clothing. Because some breast reconstructions can require more than one surgery, it is important that patients budget ample recovery time, which may require some assistance from a friend or loved one.

Contact Us Today

We understand losing a breast can have an overwhelming impact on your femininity and confidence. To learn more about restoring your figure through breast reconstruction, please contact our office today to schedule a consultation. 

Dr. Castillo


Dr. Castillo is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over ten years of experience performing cosmetic surgery. Our state-of-the-art facility is designed with the last medical technology to ensure patient comfort and safety. Dr. Castillo is affiliated with:

  • Mexican Association of Plastic Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery,
  • Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery Association of Baja California
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
  • Ibero Latin-American Federation of Plastic Surgery
  • Baja California College of Plastic Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery

Schedule a consultation at our Tijuana, Mexico, office online, or by calling (619) 955-6866.

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